NCX Blog

Poor Web Design

Charging money for an embedded and freely downloadable video, also monetizing my photos through questionable ToS.


NCX Site Overhaul

Information about the NCX Site's facelift, includes some helpful info for making new blogs, such as how to set a description and a custom icon.


About Me Updates and Such

Hello all, DamiDoop here. I’ve never written a blog article, never. Any time is as good as any to start, so why not a short post about me one-upping everybody elses’ about me pages?


Enabling the Hidden Wii DVD Icon, Part 3

I'm finally here again. And this time, I have good news to share.


The One That Got Away (Dolphin NAND Manager)

It’s time to talk about my lost project: Dolphin NAND Manager, one of the most useful programs I’ve ever made.


Bringing RNGTool to Your Wrist (Maybe)

Hmm this title sounds familiar…


Bringing RNGTool to Your Pocket (Kinda)

hey look, the first article of the year! happy new year!


Love Letter to Vector Graphics

I finally reached that point in my life where I learned what an SVG is! Not sure how I made it this far without that knowledge.


Giving NCX-Core Some CPR

Welcome back to another edition of I Don’t Stick With Anything.


Unsupported Mac Adventures Part 2

Part 2: My First Personal MacBook


Unsupported Mac Adventures

So as a fun way to document my work on my MacBooks, I thought I’d make a blog article out of them. Blog articles that are actually about our software will be coming soon.


The History of theVaultC

I’ve decided that it’s probably a good idea for me to take a break from the rant-type articles and write something a little more fun. So here it is! The history of our project theVaultC, up through the day this article comes out.


The Problems With C On Windows

This will be a short article.


Moving On

All good things must come to an end. And for me, that thing is my time working with C#. In this article I will outline my reasons for abandoning C# as well as what will happen with my C# programs.


Copyright Issues

DISCLAIMER! This article is about my experiences with false copyright claims. This is not a critique of the copyright system, only of the automatic copyright claim bots used on websites like YouTube or MediaFire.


Stylizing The Site

So as you’ve probably noticed if you got this far on the site, we’ve finally added CSS. For a while (from the start of the website on January 29th, actually) it became a joke of sorts that this site had absolutely no styling. That was mainly because of how annoying CSS can be, and also how bad my other site that uses CSS looks. Editor’s note: this article was written before NinjaCheetah overhauled his site in 2022.


Cleaning Up CC64

This article is to explain how I made Cookie Clicker C64 item buying more efficient. This probably isn’t the most interesting article, but you may enjoy it nonetheless.
Here is the layout of a page in the store:


Enabling the Hidden Wii DVD Icon Part 2

Before I get anyone’s hopes up, I should state that this did not work. If that disappointment isn’t too much for you, I’d love it if you kept reading.


Enabling the Hidden Wii DVD Icon Part 1

NOTE: This article was originally written in OneNote and was not altered before being uploaded here. Please excuse formatting errors.


Welcome to the Blog

Hello, and welcome to the NCX Programming blog! We plan to write about all sorts of tech nonsense here. Stay tuned for the first article, which will be about the Wii!
